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Ashley Rowe Modern Maeve Menstrual Cycle Coach

Ashley Rowe

Menstrual Cycle Coach

I approach coaching through a holistic and feminist lens. Together, we will identify your need, clarify the desired outcome, and work though challenges in a safe space, to ultimately work with your cycle, not against it. 


I am here to support you as you listen to your intuition, tune into the messages your body is sending you, and lean into an empowering relationship with your cycle.

How To Get Started 


Take a Quick Self-Inventory

Do you struggle with PMS, menstrual-related pain, an irregular cycle or not getting your period at all?


Are you tired of feeling emotional ups and downs, dreading your period as a life-disruptor or wondering if it will always be an unsolvable puzzle?


Are you perplexed to why you feel burnt-out one week, and then feel like you are on top of the world the next?


Menstrual Cycle Coaching is a great choice if you want to... 

  • feel more connected to your body and in sync with your natural rhythms

  • have a deeper understanding of your hormonal health, improve relationships with self and others

  • optimize creativity and productivity, prioritize self-care practices

  • unlock the power of your cycle


Step Into Your Power

If you’re ready to take the first step toward menstrual cycle awareness and empowerment, I invite you to book a free consultation with me.


We’ll discuss your needs, goals and how 1:1 coaching can support you on your journey.


With my guidance and reassurance, you can create a balanced and healthy life that aligns with your values and aspirations.

Services 1

What I Can Do For You

All packages are structured as bi-weekly sessions via Zoom.

1:1 Coaching: 6 x 75 minutes sessions over 3 months


1:1 Coaching: 12 x 75 minutes sessions over 6 months.

Book a Free Consultation to find the best fit for you. If you are struggling with PMS, PMDD, PCOS, Endometriosis and/or other challenging variables, the 6 month session is advised as we will go more in depth with the following services.

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Know Your Ebb & Flow

Menstrual Cycle Awareness, Cycle Tracking, Inner Work with the Four Seasons & Archetypes, Biology Behind Our Cycles and Exploring Societal Norms & Stigma.

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Balance, Brain & Body

Nervous System Regulation. Listening to Our Bodies. Taming the “Fight, Flight, or Freeze” Response. Co-Regulation & Cultivating Resilience.

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Bio-hack Your Cycle

The Power of Movement, Rest, & Diet. Optimizing Relationships, How to Improve Partner Communication. Decreasing Burnout, Increasing Joy. Challenging Beliefs & Building Confidence. Supportive Modalities & Self-Compassion. Navigating the Healthcare System.

What’s Also Included:

  • E-mail communication between sessions

  • Educational material, resources and personalized notes

  • Cycle Guide and Tracker

  • Journaling Prompts and Guided Meditations

Coaching is…

  • Partnering with you, who is ready to make a change and will put forth effort to look inward

  • Promoting your health & well-being through curiosity and consideration of the body, mind, emotion, spirit and environment

  • Recognizing that you are the expert of your own life

  • A space for respect, compassion and non-judgement

Coaching is not…

  • a relationship with a medical provider, therapist or nutritionist. I cannot diagnose or prescribe medications or diet plans

Hygiene Products

The Story Behind Modern Maeve

Modern Maeve embodies the strength, independence, power and sexuality symbolized by the Warrior Queen Maeve of ancient Ireland, but with a modern twist. In short, innate wisdom meets modern day. I first heard of Maeve when a fellow Cycle Advocate shared a special reading with me (see below). The name resonated with me, it just felt right. I wanted to share this passage with you because it truly represents the foundation of Menstrual Cycle Awareness.

“Honor the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions. All of life is cyclical: the moon, the stars and the very universe. Life inhales and then exhales again… There are times when you feel energized, awake and alive. There are other times when you feel isolated and shy. Your body, too, goes through pronounced cycles and changes. Celebrate these rhythms, and embrace them as the essence of the lifeblood that courses through you”.

Ashley Rowe Modern Maeve Menstrual Cycle Coach
Ashley Rowe Modern Maeve Menstrual Cycle Coach

Book Your Free Consultation!

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Strive to end shame and stigma surrounding menstrual health, acknowledging the diverse range of individuals who menstruate. Through creating a safe space, we promote body awareness, enhance health literacy about the menstrual cycle and nervous system. Our aim is to empower modern menstruators to embrace their innate wisdom, fostering a powerful and authentic relationship with self.

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